This is a great lesson plan for The Giver. It gets students to consider the what the objectives and consequences of rules are.
You can then get your students to consider the rules of our own society from the perspectives of law makers and citizens.
There are lots more lessons like this in my Ultimate Unit Plan for The Giver.
You can download the full unit at
In all societies, people must determine what balance to have between rules and freedoms.
In The Giver, Jonas’ society values stability, peace, and order over freedom and individuality.
Strict rules govern all aspects of human behavior, all in an attempt to minimize the possibility of conflict.
They have peace and stability, but at what price?
The Giver Rule Chart
Create a chart to examine some of the strict and repressive rules that are imposed by the society in The Giver.
Describe each rule; explain why the rule exists; and describe the consequences or downside of the rule. What do people miss out on?
Rule: All jobs are assigned a the Ceremony of 12
Objectives (why the rule was made: To ensure people have roles that suit their personalities, abilities and aptitudes.
Consequences (downside): People don’t have a say over what job they do, and they don’t get to experience different jobs or roles.
Peace vs Freedom
After you have completed the chart, answer the questions below. Think about them carefully, and explain your answers with specific reasons and examples.
1. Which is rule the most justifiable? (Worth the consequences)
2. Which rule is the least justifiable? (Not worth the consequences)
Thank you for the lesson. It looks like a great way to show how the central theme of The Giver is relevant to our own society, as we struggle to balance to the greater good with our individual desires and rights, and it could lead into some healthy discussions about important things like gun laws, drinking and driving, etc.
That is exactly how I use the lesson – to generate thought and discussion, and to really anchor the themes in The Giver to issues in our society.
Excellent lesson plan. Thank you.